E S Toledo Linked at Worldwide Gallery

Recently, I have been asked to allow the fine people at Art Gallery-Worldiwde to link up to here, for those who art seeking this type of art. Thanks very much guys!
Now, there's two kinds of willacoks, one of them is verbal
Like the one in our story who goes by the name of Herbl
Hiding in the jungle is how he spends his day
Talking to himself to scare hunters away
Herbl was camouflaged so hunters couldn't see him
Just like the pelts in the Grullnidgian Museum
So when they heard the voice but could not see the man
They would throw down their weapon, yell "Ghost!" and then they ran
It was always the willacok because nobody suspects
A beast who knows a thousand languages and a million dialects
Don't ask me hiow he knows them, but he never gets them wrong
Just like the freeblet werbler sings the same old song
Herbl copyright 1996 E S Toledo, story copyright 2005 K D Murphy
bottom of a plastic bank I had put a small blinking Christmas light under it, and on the other side I secured a small rubber skeleton in it. I slid the head(s) in on a small screen print I had painted over and towards the front is a pile of plastic Easter eggs painted flesh tone. The top of the pile has a broken open egg, with a small baby hatching out of it. There are blinking lights run along the top front, with the wiring being buried under the plaster.
Finally, I took another screen print and painted a background similar to the background on "Angry White Male"(see Archives), in fact, I believe it was the inspiration for the background of that painting. I cut it off the frame and stapled it to the back. It was a lot of work, but I entered it in the Urban Institute For Contemporary Arts Rerun Recycled art show and took second place in the artistic merit division.
television offers up images every day designed to desensitze us to the brutalness of the world. Often times, it offers up people for us to worship, adore, and celebrate, only to chew them up when they need a distraction from the atrocities of the government.
I Painted this for my father as a gift, but when I gave it to him, not knowing much about art or shading, he complained that I made his teeth too black. I did this from a photo taken at a family reunion at his trailer, where he moved with his fourth wife. I would chase the nieces and nephews around the trailer while he sat around and argued politics with my brother while we all sat around drinking beer and grilling burgers.